San Juan County Democrats Meeting Saturday June 10

Hello San Juan County Democrats:

Following our bylaws revision meeting in May, our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 10, starting at 11:30 am, ending by 2:00 pm, at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor. The inter-island ferry arrives in Friday Harbor at 11:15 am and leaves at 2:20 pm. Thanks to our generous drivers in Friday Harbor, rides will once again be provided to and from the ferry. Also, we will again have childcare available if anyone calls me that they would like to utilize it; call David Turnoy at 376-4165 or email  Please contact me by Monday, June 5, if interested.

You may be aware that the Immigrant Rights Group of the Orcas Women’s Coalition is seeking to put an initiative on the ballot for an election this November that would establish an ordinance preventing our county prosecutor and law enforcement from asking about immigration status.  If undocumented folks know they will be asked their status, they are less likely to report danger or crime to the authorities, compromising their safety.  In addition, there are many other reasons why this kind of ordinance makes sense.  We hope to have the author of the ordinance present at our meeting to tell us about it and answer questions, then we will vote on whether to endorse the ordinance.

It has been a couple of months since our committees have met, so I hope to have a substantial amount of time for this to happen.

At this point the state legislative session continues to go on, so Senator Ranker is not yet free to lead our charge to help in the senate election in the 45th district.  I hear really good things about the organization in place in that district to elect Manka Dinghra, so we will have to see how much help we can provide.

If you have other items to add to our agenda, please contact me.  I look forward to seeing you on June 10.


David Turnoy
San Juan County Democrats
Tel. 376-4165

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