Meeting of the San Juan County Democrats September 14, 2019

Hello San Juan County Democrats,

We will resume our meetings on Saturday, Sept. 14, at the community college in Friday Harbor.  The meeting will run from 11:30 until almost 2:00.  This year the downstairs room we normally use will be occupied by Headstart, so we will meet all year in the upstairs room.  To make sure we will have the availability of this room, I have signed up for every month between now and June except December.  If you would like to make a note of our meeting dates, here they are: Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13.  You will note that these dates are always the second Saturday of the month in an effort to be consistent and make it easier for you to attend.  If you are not able to physically attend our meeting on Sept. 14, we will be broadcasting it on Zoom; simply go to on your computer to virtually attend.  For those traveling from islands other than San Juan, you can walk on the ferry, and we will hope to have a number of our Friday Harbor Democrats pick us up at the ferry and return us there after the meeting.

In addition to these meetings, we are hosting the next quarterly meeting of the 40th Legislative District at the Grange on San Juan Island on Sunday, Oct. 6.  Bill Severson has generously donated his use of the building for that day, and the meeting will run from 11:30 until 1:30.  We hope many of you will join us for this meeting, where you will be able to meet the new chair of the 40th LD and learn more about how our county organization and the legislative district can work together to elect more Democrats and bring about more progressive change.

Our September meeting will feature a discussion of the endorsement process.  We have generally endorsed after the primary and before the general election.  Other county locals nearby, as well as the 40th LD, endorse before the primary.  We will discuss the pros and cons of each and try to come up with a good decision.  In addition, we will have a presentation by Stephen Shubert and Ken Crawbuck, the gentlemen who publish Islanders Voice, our local blog.  If you are not receiving the weekly posts, I encourage you to get on their email list.  In the past the blog has published a lot of articles that appeared in other venues, as well as some original content, but more recently Ken has been composing some amazing original articles that you really shouldn’t miss.  To sign up to receive these free articles, go to

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  We have had two folks express interest in the PCO positions that I mentioned recently, so we are hoping to bring them on board in the near future.

David Turnoy
Chair, SJC Democrats

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