Summary of December 19 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 11:35.

Meeting called to order at 11:35.

$2257 in bank. Question if Spokane Democrats still need our $250, David will try to find out, but their offices are closed until the new year.

Reorg is coming at next meeting on Jan. 9, followed by reorg of 40th LD the following day.

Post-election survey was approved as written.

Legislative session preview on Dec. 20 was announced, will include our three reps. A good time to talk about our ideas for better publicizing ways to fight Covid.

Georgina talked with Dr. Frank James about how to better publicize the need for people to continue taking precautions to prevent themselves and others from catching the virus. There is something to the idea of scaring people a little more without getting them to dig in their heels, perhaps a campaign like we had with smoking and AIDS. Dr. James suggested a well-known person, especially if that person has had the virus, doing a video public service announcement. A long discussion ensued. The effort could include humor and music along with fear. Showing a patient in the hospital on a ventilator or intubated could be useful, also letting people know that we are running out of doctors, nurses, and hospital spots, also chronic long-term effects. Putting our own personal doctors in these advertisements could be helpful. We especially have to deal with the antivaxxers. Alexandra said that a lot of the antivaxxer mentality is due to the fact that only MDs are listened to in the current climate, that naturopaths and others are not given as much credence, yet when people are unable to be cured of something by MDs, they become suspicious of the MD establishment and the system based on Big Pharma and turn to alternative practitioners. Including these practitioners in the conversation would help to convince people to get the vaccine Strengthening one’s immune system is critical along with a vaccine. Bob suggested if we could get Trump to endorse the vaccine (perhaps in exchange for a pardon?), it would convince millions to get the vaccine. One local issue in prevention is that all ferry riders need to wear masks, but the state is not requiring that ferry riders be masked when in the ship’s seating area.

From Sharon Abreu:

Texting opportunity sending messages via Instagram:

From Sharon Abreu: Green Bond info:

environmental, social and governance = ESG

We raised a glass to our new county councilor, to our new president, and hoping that the two Democratic candidates in Georgia are victorious as well.

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