Our July meeting is Saturday, July 10 at 10am. Here is the Zoom info:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81336823696 Meeting ID 813 3682 3696
The agenda includes talking about Facebook page, the status of fact sheets by the Charter Review Commission, participation in the San Juan County Fair, engaging with the state party’s outreach, re-registering Democrat voters who have been purged by the Secretary of State, and Registering new voters.
An information session for local party leaders will be held on Friday, July 16 at 6 pm over Zoom. Register now to join us Friday evening for an overview of the projects, how to plug your local party into them, and an opportunity to ask questions! Here is the link – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpfu-qrDIjH93garkMXmcz3bcQo4VLCe7i