I. Call to order / Quorum – 6 PCOs in attendance, quorum achieved for confirming new PCOs, meeting called to order at 10:07am
II. Approval of minutes of March 13 – Motion to approve minutes by Susan, 2nd by Geri. All voted in favor. Minutes approved.
III. Treasurer’s report – no report given as David D will not be in attendance.
IV. 40th LD report – Geri – Bylaws 4/18 2-5; Endorsements 4/29 5-7 Geri gave report from 40th LD, Geri has been going to Executive board meetings monthly as well as the elections committee. Geri has been reporting to 40th LD on Vacation Rentals. Skagit working on getting bi-lingual materials and ballots. Whatcom has eliminated the executive committee as they already have an executive board. Working on a ballot to demilitarize the police. Washington Dems working on Gender Parity issues. Spencer Lively questioned why so much time is being spent on this issue. Given that we have an active chair, (Lively) is proactive in getting more membership from the 40th LD and increasing phone banking opportunities. Let Geri know if interested in volunteering with reengagement phone banking for the 40th LD. April 18th, 2-5 bylaws committee for 40th will be presenting the bylaws revisions, located on the 40th LD website calendar. April 27, 40th LD presenting an event called “how to run for office” speakers and a panel of folks who have run for office. It’s a facebook event and Spencer Lively is working to get it on the website. April 29th, endorsement committee will be meeting to go over the endorsement process. (link coming)
V. State committee reports – Sharon, Bob. Bob reported that a call went out for the next meeting for the State committee will be May 1st 9am-2pm on Zoom. April 17th will be the next meeting of the resolution committee. Bob was appointed to the advocacy committee (which reminds State Party of Party Platform). And Sharon was re-appointed to the resolution committee.
VI. Charter Review Update? Charter commission has yet to make any recommendations for change officially yet, however there are discussions in the pike ongoing. Ranked Choice voting is likely to find its way into the CRC. There is a public comment period at the end of each of the CRC meetings.
Bob is in charge of coming up with a new preamble to Charter. Lots of people are interested in having a “rights of nature” section added to the Charter. and potentially a commissioner of climate and environment. Bob states that it’s a terrific experience to be a part of the CRC.
To add public comment and see all information, notes and members for the Charter Review Commission, visit the county website. https://www.sanjuanco.com/1764/Charter-Review-Commission and click on calendars for Charter Review commission.
Membership discussed the CRC meetings, website difficulty and conflicting information.
VII. Chair’s report – David T – Contest Every Race (CER)
David Presented on Contest Every Race. The State Party hired a private firm in recruiting potential candidates for various offices. They have requested from county chairs a report on positions, incumbents, and offices that could be contested by a more democrat-leaning candidate. Group then discussed.
VIII. Old Business
A. Vacation Rental Moratorium – Keara – led off and set parameters – Can we discuss the vacation rental moratorium/permitting issue some more at the next meeting? Specifically trying to organize a showing of San Juan Island residents who are in favor of reasonable restrictions on vacation rental permits… apparently there is an impression that most of San Juan Island wants unfettered tourism (despite the restriction on vacation rentals in Friday Harbor). Spending of lodging tax dollars is also an issue. Group then discussed organizing residents on San Juan Island is needed to present to the county council in favor of moratorium. Ryan mentioned that the need for decoupling VR permit from Home Title would radically reduce vacation rental Recidivism. Alexandra mentioned the worry from lack of concern for businesses working in residential zoned area. Bill mentioned that the largest amount of covid cases brought to the islands are from people who live here, making trips to mainland and less from tourism. Much discussion about the pros and cons of vacation rentals, tourism, local economics.
B. Election – Fire and Hospital – Dick Grout presented about the special election with background information on the various ballot measures listed below. The group then discussed the measures. Dick was requested by Chair for a paragraph on the issues with his view, to send out to the party at large.
1. Orcas Island School District No. 137 – Resolution No. 2021-01 Technology Capital Projects Levy
2. Town of Friday Harbor – Ordinance No. 1710 – Intent to Annex the Town into SJC Fire Dist #3
3. San Juan Island Park & Rec District – Resolution No. 21-01 – Property Tax Levy
4. SJC Fire Protection District No. 3 – Resolution No. 2021-01 – Supporting annexation of the Town of Friday Harbor
IX. New business
A. New PCOs – Nathan Ross for SJ SW #12, Siri Thorson for Waldron Island – Motion to confirm Siri Thornson and Nathan Ross as PCO’s for San Juan and Waldron. Voted all in favor.
X. Good of the Order – Sharon Abreu – Charter Review Commission this Wednesday, April 14, from 4pm-6pm on zoom. Presentation from Fairvote Washington on ranked choice voting. Please attend if you can.
CRC meeting Wednesday April 14th 4-6 pm
Meeting ID: 852 7164 3269
Or call in by phone: +1 253 215 8782
CRC proposed Climate Council position. Elected? Appointed? What is best? Group discussed.
XI. Next Meeting – May 8
XII. Meeting adjourned at 12:40