Hi SJC Democrats,
This Saturday will be the final meeting of the year for the San Juan County Democrats. We will be celebrating our victories in the recent election as well as reviewing a number of important events in which we were involved that haven’t received their due attention because of our focus on elections. The meeting will take place at our usual locale, the street-level community meeting room at the community college in Friday Harbor. The meeting will last from 11:30 until 2:00. For those attending from other islands, you can simply walk on the ferry, as we will have drivers picking us up at the ferry and then returning us later to catch the 2:20 return.
For anyone who would like to virtually attend, you can do so through a Zoom conference. To join the meeting, on your computer go to https://zoom.us/j/413931590, then use the following ID: 413-931-590.
Hope to see you Saturday.
David Turnoy
Chair, SJC Democrats