Summary of San Juan County Democrats Meeting, Sept. 14

The San Juan County Democrats met today in Friday Harbor. Our virtual connection was mediocre today, so if you tuned in but weren’t able to be successful, I apologize. We should have a microphone and camera next time that will improve the experience.

We have been discussing a wealth and income tax resolution since January, and today we finally passed it. Here is the language: WHEREAS the connection between rising wealth and income inequality is now proven to negatively impact democracy by world famous economists like Thomas Piketty and Robert Reich, and WHEREAS the role of government is to do the most good for the most people and the environment, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the San Juan County Democratic Party send a message to the members of the Washington State Legislature and the Federal Congressional delegation as well as the platform committees at the state and federal levels urging them to support bringing democracy back by instituting wealth and income taxes on the wealthiest people as detailed by Thomas Piketty, who recommends a tax of 73% annually for income over $1,000,000.00 and 0.7% of wealth annually for wealth over $10,000,000.00. The language of resolutions is meant to be aspirational, meaning that you propose what you would really like to see in the best-case scenario but are then willing to negotiate a compromise. This resolution is meant to start a conversation on serious tax reform and to bring into the mainstream the idea of taxing accumulated wealth, not just income. Thanks to Ken Crawbuck for all his work on this.

Ken Crawbuck and Stephen Shubert produce the Islanders Voice blog, a weekly publication of important articles that progressives should be aware of. Some articles are reprinted from other media, but many of them are original. Ken and Stephen told us that readership has greatly increased, as there is a presence through Facebook, a website, and email. They are looking to possibly expand circulation further into more of the 40th LD. If you aren’t already getting these weekly articles, you can subscribe at .

Ryan Palmeteer has become our new secretary. You may know Ryan from his role in thelocal conservation district or as the head of the local electric vehicle club. He is involved in numerous other capacities as well, yet he has generously volunteered to serve as our secretary. Thank you, and welcome, Ryan.

Bill Appel is a longtime local attorney and civic participant. He just moved to Friday Harbor after 40 years on Waldron, and he happens to reside in the Friday Harbor North precinct, where we recently had a vacancy. He has graciously agreed to serve as the PCO for that precinct, and we will take a formal vote to confirm him next meeting. Bill has a tremendous store of knowledge that we will gratefully be able to access.

Geri reported that the 40th LD (legislative district), of which we are a part, has elected a new chair. Trevor Smith, a longtime refinery worker and union official, put himself forward for this position, and we are glad to have him. It will be good to have the voice of someone directly involved in labor. Todd Lagestee, former secretary of the 40th, was elected to be the new Whatcom County vice chair for the 40th. While the meetings of the 40th generally take place on the mainland, once a year their meeting is here in the islands. This year we will have the meeting of the 40th on Sunday, Oct. 6, from 11:30 until 1:30 at the Grange in Friday Harbor (thanks to Bill Severson for donating the use of the Grange). We hope that many of you will attend the meeting, as it is an opportunity to connect better with the people who will be running the LD presidential caucus next spring. Remember, there will be no more island precinct caucuses; after the primary in March, the next step to becoming a delegate is running for this position at the LD caucus. Finally, the 40th LD will be re-writing their bylaws, and Bob O’Connell volunteered to help with this.

Mike and Jan Hansen joined us for the first time today, and Mike spoke to an issue about which we should all be concerned. With the current heyday for right-wing white supremacist groups under Trump, there is a concern about these groups acting as private, armed militias. What if an armed, private group showed up at a disaster site to provide security for emergency services providers? Such groups have patrolled US borders, bearing arms and detaining people. Mike asks if there has been sufficient response by public authorities to take preventive action by declaring private militia organizations and their actions contrary to public policy, illegal, and dangerous to public safety and order. If not, he suggests that the state legislature should step in. Mike is willing to start writing a resolution on this topic, and it was suggested that a committee of a few more people might be formed to help him. Ryan expressed an interest. If you are interested in working on this, please let me know. Also, we can contact our legislators, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and our Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

Last year we had established a library of books that Democrats might find of interest. Susan Grout has generously been lugging a heavy box to meetings, and we need to change this system. Therefore, I will list the books we have available, and if you would like to read one of them, you can contact Susan at . Either you can come to our next meeting to pick it up, or we can work out another arrangement. Here are the books: The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama In Solitary Witness by Gordon Zahn American Tales by David Turnoy (yes, I wrote this, US history from Columbus through the Civil War & Reconstruction for young adults) The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson Our Revolution by Bernie Sanders Taliban by Ahmed Rashid Moyers on Democracy by Bill Moyers Dude, Where’s My Country? by Michael Moore Stupid White Men by Michael Moore The New, New Rules by Bill Maher Drift by Rachel Maddow In the Country We Love by Diane Guerrero What Happened to Bernie Sanders by Jared Beck The Longest War by Peter Bergen.

Related to books, local resident Dr. John Geyman has produced two new books on Medicare for All: Common Sense: The Case For and Against Medicare for All (this is a pamphlet-sized book) and Struggling and Dying Under Trumpcare: How We Can Fix This Fiasco. Both books are available at local bookstores.

Because we had such great discussions on the above topics, that was as far as we got. Westill have the issue of endorsements to discuss, and we will do that at our next meeting on Oct. 12. Don’t forget the meeting of the 40th on Oct. 6. Thanks for reading.

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