Summary of County Democrats Meeting of January 13, 2024

We had two important items that we dealt with at this meeting.

1. First, we passed a resolution in support of the Green Amendment to the Washington state constitution that would enable greater protection of our environment. Here is the current text of the amendment:


THAT, At the next general election to be held in this state the secretary of state shall submit to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the state of Washington by adding a new section to read as follows:

Article I, section . . .. (1) The people of the state, including future generations, have the right to a clean and healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, healthy ecosystems, and a stable climate, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic, and healthful qualities of the environment.

(2) The state, including each political subdivision of the state, shall serve as trustee of the natural resources of the state, among them its waters, air, flora, fauna, soils, and climate. The state, including each political subdivision of the state, shall conserve, protect, and maintain these resources for the benefit of all the people, including generations yet to come.

(3) The rights stated in this section are inherent, inalienable, and indefeasible, are among those rights reserved to all the people, and are on par with other protected inalienable rights. The state, including each political subdivision of the state, shall equitably protect these rights for all people regardless of their race, ethnicity, geography, or wealth, and shall act with prudence, loyalty, impartiality, and equitable treatment of all beneficiaries in fulfilling its trustee obligations. The provisions of this section are self-executing.

2. Our second item was to approve a new document that tells what the San Juan County Democrats believe. It is much shorter than our platform and can be used to tell anyone who asks, what do the Democrats stand for? It is based on Democrats 101, a book that is creating a movement of local party organizations around the country, and we are the first group of Democrats in Washington state to adopt such a statement. Here it is:


[From Democrats 101, by J.M. Purvis]

We Believe All people are created equal, that this is America’s fundamental ideal.

We Believe That America is a democracy, by and for the people: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence.

We Believe These founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure — regardless of who you are, what you believe or where you live.

We Believe That the Duty of government is to strive endlessly to make the ideals of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity a reality for all.

We Believe That the Purpose of government is to protect our nation, defend our democracy, and to endlessly promote the welfare of each and every one of us.

We Believe That fighting for these ideals is our purpose as a political party.

What are the principles and policies supported by the San Juan County Democrats?

The San Juan County Democrats stand for democracy.  We actively support the well-being of people, all living things, and the environment, all of which form the basis of our principles and policies.  We feel that fostering this well-being is the purpose of government at all levels.   A free and open democracy would:

  • Ensure free and fair elections with equitable access to voting without undue influence of wealth
  • Guarantee that all elections are publicly financed and that corporations are not people
  • Ensure a healthy environment for all living beings, including clean air, land, and water
  • Guarantee communication platforms that clearly and accurately publish verifiable, objective, truthful fact, and identify AI-generated content
  • Guarantee the right to privacy, including a woman’s right to autonomy over her own body
  • Ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for all
  • Ensure equitable access to quality, affordable housing and healthy food for all
  • Provide equitable access to quality public education for all
  • Guarantee a livable wage and safe working conditions for all
  • Protect the health and well-being of its people from external and internal dangers, both natural and man-made
  • Guarantee that every person in our society is treated equally before the law, regardless of background
  • Eliminate automatic and assault weapons among the general public
  • Ensure equitable opportunities for all, regardless of race, religion, or gender identity
  • Honor treaty rights and international agreements
  • Treat all people around the globe as being created equal
  • Embrace and celebrate diversity
  • Ensure freedom of movement for all
  • Ensure that every person in our society is free to shape their own beliefs and lives, so long as it does not infringe on the rights and safety of others
  • Inform the population about all the policies in place that provide for the well-being of the people

As San Juan County Democrats, we strive to support candidates who also support these principles and policies.  If you support these principles and policies, please consider joining our email list at, or email Chair David Turnoy at

Next meeting will be Saturday, Feb. 10, at 10:00 AM.

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